Mailing Address & Dropbox

2809 East Hamilton Avenue, PMB 112
Eau Claire, WI 54701

Contact Information

Phone: (715) 832-0133

Rental Application

Please fill out the application below. We do not rent without rental references. Incomplete applications are not accepted!

Please have the following items ready BEFORE beginning the application process:

  • Photo ID (driver’s license preferred)
  • Proof of Income (most current paystub, or if self employed your tax return)
  • Form of Payment (such as credit or debit card) for $25 application fee from SingleKey.  You MUST complete the SingleKey portion of the application or your application will not be accepted.
  • Please list the names of people who intend to live with you:
  • If you are a Tenant applying, please indicate an emergency contact:
  • Application: We must receive one completed Rental Application from each adult applying (18 years of age or older). If the completed application contains any omissions (not satisfactorily explained), it will be immediately denied.

    Personal Identification: We require a photo ID with your completed application, which applicants will upload through SingleKey

    FOR CO-SIGN APPLICANTS: I understand by cosigning for the apartment I am agreeing to sign for the complete rental contract.

  • Rental History: It is your responsibility to provide us with the information necessary to contact your past landlords. We reserve the right to deny your application if, after making a good faith effort, we are unable to verify your rental history. If you owned rather than rented, you will need to furnish mortgage company references and proof of title ownership or transfer. Relatives of any kind do not count as rental history.

    Background Check: We will do a background check of your credit history and criminal record check on you and any others who will be living in the apartment, along with co-sign applicants. The following websites are some we use for background checks; please keep in mind we may use other public or screening service records.

  • (Wisconsin) (Iowa) (Minnesota)

  • Credit Report: You will be forwarded to SingleKey Screening after this preliminary application is submitted. Please submit the information so we can process your application as soon as possible. SingleKey will charge a fee for processing; this fee is not collected by our office. Income: We must be able to verify independently the amount and stability of your individual monthly income. For example: through pay stubs, employee/source contact, or tax records. If self-employed: business license, tax records, bank records, or a list of client references. This information will be uploaded through your SingleKey application. For rent assistance applicants, the amount of assistance will be considered part of your monthly income for purposes of figuring the proportion. The proposed rent must be around 3 times the rent amount of the unit you are applying for. Example: Rent X 3= minimum monthly income requirement.


    1. You misrepresent any information on the application. If misrepresentations are found after lease is signed, your rental agreement will be terminated.
    2. In the past five years you have had a conviction of any type of crime, including manufacture or distribution of controlled substances, that would be considered by owners or management a threat to property or to other residents; peaceful enjoyment of the premises. Incidents over five years may still be used to assess eligibility, depending on the circumstances.
    3. Your credit check or court records show accounts that are not current or past due. For example, occasional credit records showing payments within (30 to 59) days past due could be acceptable, provided you can justify the circumstances. Records showing payments past (60) days or a judgment against you for financial delinquency is not acceptable.
    4. . If you have been evicted during the past five years for late or non-payment of rent or for behavior that includes causing disturbance, threatening other persons, damaging an apartment or other reason, your application will be denied. If a previous landlord reports such behavior, your application will be denied.
    5. Previous landlords, other references listed, or the background check report significant complaint levels of noncompliance activity such as: repeated disturbance of the neighbors peaceful enjoyment of the area, reports of gambling, prostitution, drug dealing, or drug manufacturing; reports of violence or threats to landlords or neighbors; allowing persons not on the rental agreement to reside on the premises; failure to give proper notice when vacating.
    6. Previous landlords would be disinclined to rent to you again for any other reason pertaining to the behavior of yourself or others allowed on the property during your tenancy.
  • Earnest Money (security) Deposit: There is earnest money deposit that is conditionally refundable. If you are accepted, that earnest money will be applied to your security deposit (or rent if over required deposit amount). If you withdraw your application after you have been accepted, certain deductions, allowed by law, may be made. Earnest money (security deposit) is required to sign a lease. Apartment will not be held until a lease contract is signed. Credit check fee & fees charged by SingleKey are non-refundable and do not count or go towards earnest money. Our office does not collect these fees and does not have the ability to provide refunds.
  • Electronic signature:
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • When you click or press SUBMIT below, you will be taken to the SingleKey website to complete your credit check!

    PLEASE NOTE: The SingleKey application will list an address at the top for "2809 East Hamilton Avenue, Eau Claire, WI, USA, 54701" no matter which address you are applying for! Please IGNORE that address on the SingleKey form (this is why we had you list the apartment/house you are interested in renting at the top of this page!)